Queen Emma is Real
People think I’m the most hardcore politician in Hawai’i. Not because I am Queen Emma or because I am a Lawyer. People think I’m hardcore because I will call out politicians to their face and at their office when I see, hear, or smell something I don’t like. A lot of people in Hawai’i are afraid to speak out against the government. In fact, many people, especially Native Hawaiians, are genuinely afraid of being assassinated by their government. This severely oppressive mentality against the People of Hawai’i is OUTRAGEOUS and deeply concerning. I don’t exactly know what happened to cause the People of Hawai’i to fear their government so much. I believe it is because of the illegal overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalani. However, it also appears to be created, manifested, and perpetuated by government propaganda, false narratives, and discriminatory practices against Native Hawaiians. No matter what it is, I’m here to make sure it never happens again. I am Queen Emma. I am the Overseer. I am the Government Babysitter. If that makes me hardcore, then so be it.