Green Party of Hawai’i
The Party of Earth & World Peace
My current political projects:
Clean Hawai’i’s water
Clean Ala Wai
Remove Red Hill tanks
Protect Maunakea
Maui recovery
Clean Our Ocean
Rescue Pele & Hawai’i’s Dolphins
Evict Puna Geothermal Venture
Water infrastructure development
Water purification technology
1 Trillion Trees
Keep Hawai’i’s fish in Hawai’i
Save the 'Ohi'a Trees
Save the Polar Bears
Aloha 💗
(Speech for 'Ōlelo)
Aloha. My name is Emma Jane Avila Pohlman and I am the Green Party candidate for United States Senator of Hawai’i 2024.
A little about me. I was born in the Philippines on June 27, 1987 and attended school in both the Philippines and America. I am Filipina, German & Irish American. I studied Philosophy and Political Science at USC and earned my Juris Doctorate and Mediator’s Certificate at Loyola Law School. I am an Earth Lawyer and Mediator. My clients include Earth, the Hawaiian Honu, Monk Seals, ‘Io, Dolphins, Nene and the Waipi’o Valley wild horses. I study Plato and my politics are Universal. I believe in fundamental core principles and good government. My primary platform is water and it’s my number one talking point.
Water is life, love and the most important element in the world. Everyone on Earth is entitled to clean water because clean water is a fundamental human right and a necessity for life. It is the government’s primary responsibility to make sure that all people of Hawai’i have access to clean water and all waterways and waterbodies are clean. Approximately 30% of the global population does not have access to clean water. I genuinely believe that the reality of Earth’s water crisis is far more severe. Hawai’i is in a state of emergency with respect to water. Hawai’i’s water is contaminated, dirty, and a biohazard to our community. We still don’t know the level of contamination caused by the Red Hill fuel crisis. These tanks are sitting 100 feet above a water aquifer that supplies water to approximately 77% of Oahu’s residents, if not more. I want these tanks out of Hawai’i and I want all of Hawai’i’s water clean.
#2 - The Ocean - The Ocean is polluted because resorts and coastal properties are dumping waste and pesticides into the Ocean. This is destroying the Ocean and coral reefs, and harming our keiki and all marine wildlife. Overtourism, overfishing and the rediversion of waterways to resorts, golf courses and swimming pools is creating an imbalance on the entire ecosystem of all islands. In June, 607,000 gallons of waste was dumped into Hilo Bay causing extreme bacteria contamination that necessitated the closure of Coconut Island. This is an extraordinary violation of the Clean Water Act. We also need to return all dolphins currently held in captivity back to the Ocean. I have prepared a dolphin bill with new legislation for this purpose.
#3 - Ala Wai - Ala Wai is a biohazard. The biggest problem with Ala Wai is that it’s a man-made river. Earth will not correct a man-made river. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has classified Ala Wai as a dead river, which means we don’t even need EPA testing to shut it down because it serves no ecological function. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has confirmed the completion of 4 brand new designs for Ala Wai and confirmed that they do in fact have the resources necessary to dredge and incinerate the sludge. The only thing they need is Congressional approval, but for whatever reason our Congress people don’t think water is a priority.
#4 - Maunakea - Maunakea is sacred land and a place of worship for Native Hawaiians. Maunakea’s water is contaminated and there is junk everywhere. All foreign countries and entities who have “stakeholdership” on Maunakea are in violation of the Admissions Act of 1959, which holds Maunakea as trust land for the benefit of Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawai’i, not foreign entities.
#5 - I want Puna Geothermal Venture out of Hawaii - Puna Geothermal Venture is contaminating the water on Big Island and blasting toxic fumes at residents in Puna. They were caught lying on environmental reports and engaging in illegal fracking practices on Kilauea. I want this company out of Hawai’i and I want all of their broken units removed.
#6 - Maui - Lahaina is still recovering from the fire. The Banyan Tree lives and is flourishing. But the totality of the damage has affected all of Maui. The biggest problem right now is the inability of the County of Maui and the federal government to coexist and complete the paperwork necessary for federal funding. There are also issues with MECO refusing to install underground power lines, which is completely unacceptable because their power lines caused the fire.
#7 - Education & Food - Education must be paramount in Hawai’i. We must rebuild our schools and educate our keiki. I want all schools in Hawai’i to serve only locally grown food. This will fund the agricultural industry and create new jobs, new opportunities, and new businesses for all people of Hawai’i.
Thank you. Aloha. God Bless Hawai’i and God Bless America.