(Green Party of California Speech - 10-2-2024)
Aloha. My name is Emma Jane Avila Pohlman and I am the Green Party candidate for United States Senator of Hawai’i 2024. ☀️💗🍀
A little about me. I was born in the Philippines on June 27, 1987 and attended school in both the Philippines and Southern California. I studied Philosophy and Political Science at USC and earned my Juris Doctorate and Mediator’s Certificate at Loyola Law School. I am an Earth Lawyer and Mediator. My clients include Earth, the Hawaiian Honu, Monk Seals, ‘Io, Dolphins, Nene and the Waipi’o Valley Wild Horses. I study Plato and my politics are Universal. I believe in fundamental core principles and good government. My primary platform is water.
Water is life, love and the most important element in the world. Everyone on Earth is entitled to clean water because clean water is a fundamental human right and a necessity for life. It is the primary responsibility of all global leaders to make sure that all people on Earth have access to clean water and all waterways and waterbodies are clean. According to the United Nations, approximately 30% of the global population does not have access to clean water. I genuinely believe that the reality of Earth’s water crisis is far more severe and these numbers are closer to 40%, if not 50%. The reason why I believe this is because many people on Earth are not even accounted for, especially people living in third world countries where water is the most contaminated. I also believe this because I grew up near the Pasig River and the provinces of the Philippines. I see the Ganges River in India and Ala Wai in Oahu, and all other polluted water sources on Earth. Earth’s water crisis is a serious problem. Hawai’i is in a state of emergency with respect to water. The Red Hill fuel crisis contaminated a water aquifer supplying water to approximately 77% of Oahu’s residents. Ala Wai is a biohazard and open cesspool in the middle of Honolulu. Resorts and coastal properties are dumping waste and toxic chemicals into the Ocean. In June, 607,000 gallons of waste was dumped into Hilo Bay causing extreme bacteria contamination. The water on Maunakea is contaminated due to high level of military activity. Puna Geothermal Venture is contaminating the water on Big Island, blasting toxic fumes at residents in Puna, and lying on environmental reports.
Despite the protections of the Clean Water Act, our water sources continue to become more and more contaminated. Hawai’i’s Oceans are polluted with plastic waste, pollution and toxic algae. The turtles are showing signs of vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition. Our Monk Seals are starving to death because there is no more fish. Water is a serious crisis that politicians cannot continue to ignore.
The biggest problem on Earth right now is the destruction of our life sources. Politicians want to call this climate change, global warming, or whatever made-up political terminology they come up with. In reality what’s happening is we are destroying our life sources by contaminating our water, air, food and cutting Earth’s trees, which are our primary oxygen sources. This is not sustainable. We cannot continue to pollute the water and cut all of Earth’s trees and expect everything to be fine. Clean water affects all life on Earth. It is not rocket science that drinking contaminated water will lead to physical illness and death. Why wouldn’t the same logic be true for the species that live in the Ocean? In order to solve climate change we must first correct the narrative to be more transparent and reflect the reality of what is really happening on Earth, which is the destruction of our life sources, specifically water, air, food and trees.
Water is life because life needs and thrives in water. Wherever there is a water source there is always life. Pesticide is another word for poison. Pesticides were created for the purpose of killing cockroaches and other insects with hard exoskeletons. These insects literally survived the extinction of the dinosaurs. It’s important to understand that if something can kill a cockroach, you better believe it can kill you too. Spraying poison on plants and trees harms the plants and trees and seeps into the soil ultimately contaminating groundwater sources, which is our drinking water. Whatever doesn’t seep into the soil ends up in the Ocean through storm water or irrigation runoff. These poisons contaminate the water and kill vital life sources for all marine life in the Ocean, including destroying coral reefs, fish, plankton and other food sources. This needs to be corrected immediately. I support a total ban on pesticides in America.
I am running for United States Senator of Hawai’i to clean Hawai’i’s water because cleaning all of Earth’s water is necessary for the future of life. All global leaders need to stop fighting and focus on preserving and cleaning Earth’s water for all life on Earth.
Thank you. Aloha. God Bless Hawai’i and God Bless America. ☀️
Goddess Pele